Day: April 08 | Time: 15:00 - 16:00 | Session 4

Session 4 - Moderator: Prof. Luciana Brandli
Sala: 1D - Day: 08/04/2021 | Time: 15:00 - 16:00
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46 Some Best Practices of U.S. Universities Sustainability Offices
Maria A. Petrova
Olivia Kleier
48 Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment (NSA) Tools: A systematic review on how to choose the best analysis tool
Chimanski R. T.
Maceno M. M. C.
Chopra S. S.
49 Sustainability and transformational Learning: The education for classroom space as disruption
Robert Vanwynsberghe
65 A posthuman ethical framework of ecological citizenship for alternative sustainabilities
çağdaş Dedeoğlu
Andrew Fuyarchuk
Mansi Handa
Alyson Jenkins
Amit Kohli
Session 4 - Moderator: Barbara Fritzen
Sala: 2D - Day: 08/04/2021 | Time: 15:00 - 16:00
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50 Extensionist Actions For Environment: Multicampi Brazilian Public Hei Case Study
Aline Guimarães Monteiro Trigo
Bauer De Oliveira Bernardes
Luane Da Costa Pinto Lins Fragoso
Nelson Mendes Cordeiro
Wanderley Freitas Lemos
Wladmir Henriques Motta
José Aires Trigo
úrsula Maruyama
51 The commitment of Brazilian public universities to the sustainable development goals
Carolina Grano
Vanderli Correia Prieto
José Carlos Curvelo Santana
52 Sustainability indicators related to organic waste for educational institutions: A systematic review
Yasmin Coelho De Freitas
Fernanda Aparecida Veronez
Adriana Marcia Nicolau Korres
53 Organizational Learning Towards Sustainability In Higher Education Institutions: A Brazilian case study
Vanessa De Campos Junges
Simone Alves Pacheco De Campos
Rubia Goi Becker
Session 4 - Moderator: Samara Neiva
Sala: 3D - Day: 08/04/2021 | Time: 15:00 - 16:00
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55 The gaps for future studies in life cycle analysis (LCA) of single-use plastic bags: A literature review
Matheus Tavares Lacerda
Marcell Mariano Corrêa Maceno
56 SDG 6 and Industry 4.0: Development of a performance prediction model by Artificial Neural Networks applied to water treatment plants, located in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, aiming at the sustainability in their operations
Dominique Nápoli Caliari
Dejanyne Paiva Zamprogno
Juscelino Alves Henriques
Mariângela Dutra De Oliveira
59 Environmental impact of the Intermunicipal Consortium of Multifunctional Management (CITEGEM) on the source of the Erval Novo stream
Rafael Burlani
Luma Schervenski Tejada Courier
Carla Arcoverde De Aguiar Neves
60 Comparative analysis of environmental impacts between two structural methods: a Brazilian case study
Renata Degraf Miara
Andreza Frare
Marcell Mariano Corrêa Maceno